4 min 2024-03-11

The best designed blogs for 2024

In the ever-evolving world of the internet, blogs serve as digital canvases where creativity, functionality, and design converge. In 2024, several blogs stand out for their exceptional design and user experience. Let's take a closer look at the top 10 best-designed blogs that captivate and inspire visitors.

1. ClickUp Blog

Screenshot collage of ClickUp Blog screenshots: clickup.com/blog

ClickUp is an all-in-one productivity tool. In their blog, they feature multiple productivity topics as well as general topics for companies.

ClickUp's Best Features:

  • No Watermarks or Time Limits: Enjoy unlimited, high-quality recording.
  • Versatile Recording Options: Capture the entire screen, specific browser tabs, or windows.
  • Instant and Secure Sharing: Share your recordings seamlessly and securely.
  • Voice Integration: Add a personal touch with voice narration to your video recordings.

ClickUp's Limitations:

  • While the absence of watermarks and time limits is a strength, some users may prefer additional customization options.

2. Apple Newsroom

Apple Newsroom screenshots: apple.com/newsroom

When it comes to design excellence, the Apple Newsroom sets the bar high. With a visually stunning layout and a seamless user interface, Apple Newsroom ensures that visitors have an immersive experience while exploring the latest news and updates from the tech giant.

Apple Newsroom Best Features:

  • Improved Content Linking: Apple uses special components like an "Apple Music Component" in Music articles to link through their content more user-friendly.
  • Really Simple Design: While some may find it too simple for 2024, it still does a great job in providing easy navigation for all user types.

Apple Newsroom Limitations:

  • Less interesting elements: While they often use large and stunning imagery, articles are mostly text-based, without color variations or advanced elements like tables or lists.

3. Ahrefs Blog

Ahrefs screenshots: ahrefs.com/blog

Ahrefs doesn't just dominate the SEO game; it also excels in blog design. Navigating through the Ahrefs blog feels like a journey rather than a task, thanks to its intuitive layout and visually appealing graphics.

4. Airbnb News

Airbnb screenshots: news.airbnb.com

Airbnb's blog reflects the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. With a sleek and modern design, it effortlessly showcases the latest news and updates from the world of travel and hospitality.

5. CleanMyMac Blog

Airbnb screenshots: cleanmymac.com/blog

The blog of Clean My Mac helps users with their Mac usage, especially storage. Not only does their app have a clean, modern, and user-friendly design, but their blog is also easy to navigate, read, and understand while being visually appealing.

6. Ikea Newsroom

Airbnb screenshots: ikea.com/global/en/newsroom

Ikea Newsroom transport the latest news to the company to their companies. They really focussed on brogth imagery on designing this in combination with their blue-yellow-black brand colors. Especially on desktop, they make sure, that readers see at least one image all the time.

blog, design, apple, clickup, ui, ikea
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